Sabtu, 10 Mei 2014 - the natural cure for insomnia - The Natural Cure For Insomnia Reviews

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I spent 15 years of my life hindered by lack of sleep. I was pushed from doctor to doctor, pill to pill, counselor to psychologist and eventually to the top insomnia specialist in Europe.

Sleep to me was always a real-life nightmare. I never looked forward to my bedtime because 9 times out of 10 I would get a restless night’s sleep and wake up feeling lethargic and gloomy.

I just didn’t understand why I couldn’t fall asleep instantly, and why when I did fall asleep I couldn’t stay asleep for 7 or 8 hours like “normal people” did.

After numerous courses of sleeping pills, blood tests and more, my luck changed when my doctor referred me to a Sleep Hygiene Therapist at a sleep clinic in London’s Harley Street.

At the time this was a considered a new approach to insomnia, and was slowly being adopted by the medical profession as a way to cure insomnia naturally without benzodiazepines, which by then were renowned for causing rebound insomnia and heaps of side-effects.

After my first session I was truly motivated. I began to realize that there were many aspects of my lifestyle affecting my sleep, things I could change and control myself, without the need for pills. For a start I was...

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